iNeuroRehab online on-demand education Young ambulatory male post stroke

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A client demonstration comprises of the instructor assessing and treating a client with a neurological movement-related problem followed by a clinical reasoning session.

This webinar reviews a young man who is ambulatory and whose goals are to improve his walking and upper limb function. A completed Model of Bobath Clinical Practice is available for download summarizing the clinical presentation

Young Ambulatory Male Post Stroke

This webinar comprises a clinical demonstration of a client post stroke (1.5hr) and an accompanying clinical reasoning session (1hr).  A completed Model of Bobath Clinical Practice summarizing the client demonstration is available for download.

2.5 Hours

0 Learners

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March 21, 2023

Very good evaluation of the patient in which underlying postural problems are revealed. Very well linked the use of the patient´s potential (for example the patient´s sensitivity using the ball) with the working hypotheses verified in a postural set appropriate to the high functional level of the patient.

Maria Cisneros