iNeuroRehab online on-demand education Upper Limb Recovery

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A client demonstration comprises an instructor-led assessment and treatment session of a client with a neurological movement-related problem followed by a clinical reasoning session.

This webinar reviews a gentleman post-stroke.  He is ambulatory using a trekking pole and ankle brace but has limited functional movement of his more affected upper limb.  This client demonstration illustrates the relationship between the development of ipsi-lesional postural control for functional recovery of the more affected upper limb.

A completed Model of Bobath Clinical Practice is available for download summarizing the clinical presentation.

Upper Limb Recovery: A Clinical Challenge

This webinar comprises a clinical demonstration of a client post-stroke focusing on the development of ipsi-lesional postural control for functional recovery of the contra-lesional upper limb, followed by a clinical reasoning and question and answer session.  A completed Model of Bobath Clinical Practice summarizing the client demonstration and clinical reasoning, is available for download.

1 Hour 40 Min.

30 Learners

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$89.00 (CAD) + TAX

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