Client demonstration:

Illustrates how the compensatory use of the less affected side negatively impacts on the functional recovery, and learned non-use, of the trunk and more affected upper and lower limb. I explore how this significantly impacts on the ability of this person to gain midline in bilateral stand, as well the ability to acquire single leg stance on both the more and less affected lower limb which, in turn, perpetuates her dependence on the crutch as a gait aid.


provides suggestions for a home program to reduce the learned non-use of the more affected side, reviews the implementation of a hand sensory stimulation program and how specific sensory stimulation can influence spatial awareness to gain bilateral standing and weight transfer to the more affected side.

How does compensation influence functional recovery of the more affected body segments?

This session comprises a client demonstration and Q&A period of a person with chronic stroke who ambulates short distances with a crutch, hinged AFO and supervision. She presents with significant increased tone of the more affected upper limb and hand.

2.0 hours

10 Learners

$89.00 (CAD) + TAX

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